Waiting... With time's metronome.
Tick, tock, tick, tocks the clock upon the wall,
Sending a quiet reminder out to one and all,
Whether it be flying on by, right away from you,
Or crawling along slowly till it finally strikes two,
That time is still continuing, even if it seems so still,
And how you use that time is what can really kill.
Perhaps you're a child sitting patiently in a class,
Just waiting anxiously for the rest of the time to pass,
Someone waiting in a long line at a rather busy store,
After shopping around for their purchases galore,
A fisherman waiting on his biggest catch to bite,
Or maybe you're waiting for next Saturday night.
The nervous groom awaiting his beautiful bride,
An equestrian waiting for their next big ride,
A pregnant mother awaiting her unborn child,
Whose fears and anxiety go from severe to mild,
To think at some point down the future track,
She will be waiting for her 'help' to come on back.
We seem to spend a lot of time just waiting,
It seems to be necessary to our patience creating,
Helping prepare us for life's many test after test,
Giving us time to contemplate, learn and rest,
Providing we use our time waiting with care,
We may productively become further than there.
For in our lives so short, we have little precious time,
That wasting any seems our greatest personal crime,
Yet we spend so much rushing to get so little done,
The next thing we may know it is almost all gone,
And we then say it's all flown past so very quick,
But still the clock goes the same tick, tock, tick!