‘Tis the Festive Season!

Pudding, turkey, ham and pie,
’tis the festive season that is nigh,
Tinsel, garland and candy canes,
Join light strings in window panes,
Shopping centres hum with sound,
As great gifts are trying to be found.

Santa Clauses in displays are placed,
As a glittering festive atmosphere is faced,
Catchy music now constantly playing,
Whilst family and friends all come staying,
Christmas trees are up and decorated,
For some, hiding may be contemplated.

As Christmas magic fills the air,
It’s sprit creeping in most everywhere,
Songs, laughter, smiling children’s faces,
Mistletoe hung around near fireplaces,
Festive decorations are near and far,
There’s even reindeer antlers on the car.

Holiday festivities fast on the rise,
makes some give stressed or joyous cries,
Feasts, games, decor and gifts,
Siblings caught up in holiday tifts,
Summer sun or white winter snow,
Festive parties and barbecues are go,

Outdoor activities are all a rage,

Creating holiday fun for any age!

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